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Infinity Arcade
Infinity Arcade

Generative Video Game Soundtracks

How Infinity Arcade is using generative music to create video game soundtracks.

We recently added Riffusion to Infinity Arcade, a generative music system that creates soundtracks for video games.

Previously, we rotated through a few static mp3s for the background music. This was fine, but it got repetitive quickly. We wanted to add more variety to the music, and ultimately make it generated for the game, just like the concept, story and art.

Infinity Arcade now gets soundtrack ideas from GPT-4 and then uses Riffusion to generate the music. Riffusion actually generates a spectrogram using image generation software, and then converts it to audio. If that sounds wild, it's because it is—but it works! Try it out at Riffusion or Infinity Arcade.

Funky Sax Animation

Credit Riffusion

Generated music was the last missing piece to make video games 100% generated from a prompt.

Infinity Arcade generates a concept from your prompt, an interactive game story, unique game art, and a soundtrack to match the game.

Try it out!

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5/31/2024 by Brad
Infinity Arcade
Infinity Arcade
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